Home Archive By Category "Terre Sainte" (Page 2)
Collège des Frères de Beit Hanina: bazar caritatif

Collège des Frères de Beit Hanina: bazar caritatif

Le Collège des Frères de Beit Hanina a organisé un bazar caritatif pour soutenir les patients atteints de cancer Le Collège des Frères de Beit Hanina a rassemblé la communauté locale, les parents, les élèves et les membres du personnel lors d’un bazar caritatif en soutien aux patients atteints de cancer. L’événement a inclus une […]

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La Salle Jérusalem: Olive Festival

La Salle Jérusalem: Olive Festival

The Olive Festival at Freres Secondary School is a cherished annual event aimed at fostering patriotism and appreciating the olive tree and its fruits. This year, under the guidance of educator Mona Hazo and the basic education team, the festival featured a variety of enriching activities. The day kicked off with a photography exhibition in […]

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La Salle Jérusalem: a student awarded a full scholarship to further his studies at the United World College of the Adriatic in Italy.

La Salle Jérusalem: a student awarded a full scholarship to further his studies at the United World College of the Adriatic in Italy.

Ashraf Aour, an exceptional student awarded a full scholarship to further his studies at the United World College of the Adriatic in Italy, visited Horizons Academy and met with our principal, Brother Daoud Kassabry. Ashraf shared his excitement about his educational journey: “I am thrilled to continue my high school studies at the United World […]

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La Salle Jérusalem: exhibition of vintage photographs

La Salle Jérusalem: exhibition of vintage photographs

In collaboration with the Alumni Association, we are excited to prepare an exhibition of vintage photographs from the school’s archives. This special exhibition will celebrate 150 years of the Brothers’ presence in the Holy Land, as well as the founding of the first Freres School in Jerusalem, located in at the New Gate / Jerusalem […]

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La Salle Beit Hanina: rencontre des Mamans Lasalliennes

La Salle Beit Hanina: rencontre des Mamans Lasalliennes

Pour encourager les mères dans leur engagement pastoral et humain, le Comité des Mamans Lasalliennes organise une soirée inspirante animée par le Père Ayman Batheesh** Afin de renforcer les liens de fraternité et d’amour, le Comité des Mamans Lasalliennes a invité le Père Ayman Batheesh pour une intervention marquante. Il a parlé de trois mots […]

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An Inspiring Presence Amidst Conflict: Brother Mark McKeon’s Journey in Bethlehem

An Inspiring Presence Amidst Conflict: Brother Mark McKeon’s Journey in Bethlehem

https://www.delasalle.org.au/peacemark?fbclid=IwY2xjawGCzwNleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHeSDf5fkY-hw1PyDaR89oy_sbPSxdEVkOzJds7APZw9lOI9ZSykTpVi07A_aem_H156KfxFbWR1pmLxDW5J6A As part of the Institute’s « 1La Salle, our pilgrimage towards peace » campaign, we are privileged to share the experiences of Brother Mark McKeon, a dedicated member of the De La Salle Brothers who has been at the forefront of ministry in challenging times. Since joining the De La Salle Brothers in 1982, Brother Mark […]

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Collège des Frères Jérusalem: The Pink Month

Collège des Frères Jérusalem: The Pink Month

The Pink Month at Collège des Frères was celebrated in a truly special way, featuring three major activities. First was the « Bring and Buy » event, where students brought food to sell at symbolic prices. This created a lively atmosphere, and both students and parents enjoyed trying the variety of dishes available. The second activity was […]

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La Salle Beit Hanina: accueil du Consul général de France

La Salle Beit Hanina: accueil du Consul général de France

L’administration du Collège des Frères de Beit Hanina ainsi qu’un certain nombre d’anciens élèves ont eu l’honneur d’accueillir le Consul général de France, M. Nicolas Kassianides, et son équipe, composée de Mme Mathilde Michel, conseillère culturelle, de M. Manuella Affejee, attachée de coopération éducative, de M. Stéphane Vrevin, attaché de coopération éducative, et de Mme […]

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Terre sainte : un an après, l’urgence de la prière

Terre sainte : un an après, l’urgence de la prière

https://fr.aleteia.org/2024/10/06/terre-sainte-un-an-apres-lurgence-de-la-priere Agnès Pinard Legry – publié le 06/10/24 Alors que ce lundi 7 octobre 2024 marque le premier anniversaire de l’attaque du Hamas contre Israël ayant ouvert sur une année de violence, d’incertitude et de peur ainsi qu’un embrasement au Proche-Orient, les communautés chrétiennes tentent de survivre. Une tentative à laquelle chacun est appelé à […]

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