Avengers Assemble!
What may appear to be an unscalable mountain now seems more reachable after the arrival of Alfonso,Anatole, Carlos, Chris, Donald, Joel, Martin, Ricky, andSergio. If I attach roles to t heir names, we could be very intimidating—Superior General, Vicar General, GeneralCouncilors, Secretary General, Executive Secretary,Director of Financial Stewardship. That sounds like a formidable team of superheroes battling supervillains à la The Avengers. I would rather call them Squadra CG (or Team Consiglio Generale). We had our first sessions in Bogota in July, then regrouped in Nairobi in August to get acquainted with each other and build community. We shared our journeys, reflected on the capitular documents, dreamed together, and prayed as a community. As the weight of our communal responsibility was slowly starting to sink in, we were also trying to get acquainted with each other. It didn’t take long for me to feel we had gelled, but we were still far from becoming a super team for the mission. It would be wonderful if we could watch together this 2012 film produced by Marvel Studios and learn a trick or two from The Avengers on how to build remarkable teams: https://balancedworklife.com/theavengers-top-10-tips-for…/
We had the opportunity to be joined by Bob and the outgoing team—Aidan, Jorge, Tim, Paulo, Pierre, and Ricky—for a fraternal week of retreat in Ariccia and then a few more turn-over sessions back in Rome. We are grateful that Antxon could join us, and we surely missed Gustavo and Rafa, who unfortunately could not make it. Gratitude for their services and a celebration of our fraternity were the two running themes of those graced moments together. The captivating image in my mind during that fraternal week was the graceful and grace-filled moment when the baton is passed from one runner to the next in this Lasallian race to reach the last, the lost, and the least. What a blessing to have a smooth transition. No power struggle. No egos. No resentments. Just a fraternal celebration. A magical juncture. A sacred moment