Dear Brothers and Partners,“
It is my desire that, in this our time, by acknowledging the dignity of each human person, we can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity”[1]I address this letter to you with joy and hope as we continue our preparations for the 46th General Chapter: “Building new paths to transform lives”. It is my expectation that the Chapter will guide us to paths that lead to fraternal encounters with all whom we meet, especially those who are poor.The relentless pandemic caused the postponement of the Chapter. The world-wide health crisis continues to inform our discernment and now has led the Preparatory Commission to determine that, at this time, Rome is a safer and more convenient location.
Therefore, the 46th General Chapter will be held at the Generalate in Rome from 1 May to 22 May 2022.Although the Brothers of the Preparatory Commission have decided for Rome, I would like to emphasize the importance of maintaining the hopeful, daring and inspiring spirit that was present when Pattaya was chosen. The challenge remains to confront our present reality with the eyes of faith, to design a Gospel-inspired pathway forward, and to have the courage to risk all for Jesus Christ and his project for the Reign of God.I take this opportunity to share with you the names of the Brother Delegates.
I ask you to pray for them so that they may discover new paths that will lead us to acknowledge the dignity of each person so that we can continue to do our part to give rebirth to the universal aspiration to fraternity.
Fraternally,Brother Robert Schieler, FSC Brother Superior