De La Salle realized that unless people are animated and guided by a firm belief in
the Good News of Jesus Christ, they will wander away from goodness, wisdom and
Joy in South Sudan, as schools reopen after 14-month COVID19 lockdown
Schools were reopened Monday 3rd May 2021 in South Sudan after closure for more than
one year due to COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of General Education and Instruction,
urged parents and guardians to enrol their children and said that “Schools are places for
children to be safe and to be protected and also to access basic services, school feeding and
so on.”
Parents were thrilled to see their children returning to school and they described the “joy”
felt by children as classrooms reopened. « I am happy that right now, we can study again, said
one learner”
« I am happy that schools are reopen” and students are going to schools. Seeing children at
home idle is having a profound negative effect on children, especially girls that are being
married off at a tender age, » says Nathalia Samuel, a mother of seven children.
UNICEF has been one of many strong advocates for the reopening of schools. In South
Sudan, schools provide more than just academics. At school, students learn social and
emotional skills and it’s a safe place for the most vulnerable. Schools protect learners from
harmful cultural practices and work as an access point for services including water, sanitation
and hygiene and food.
In month of June, the ministry of education gave directives of promoting the classes to the
next class. The schools are without senior four at the moment because they did exams in
April this year. And there is a need to prepare a place for primary 8 leavers to senior one this
The Diocese of Rumbek decided to do the promotion of schools of the diocese in September
so that our schools academic year will go hand in hand with that of the government schools.
So, the school now is preparing to finish this term and will promote the students to other
classes in September and will do admission for new senior one.
The government is going to distribute textbooks this, so we submitted our data to ministry
waiting to given textbooks.
By Br. Joseph
From the Desk of Brother Director
Lasallian greetings to all our readers come to you from Lasalle house, Rumbek. Hope and pray
that everyone is looking forward to the summer, as the COVID-19 Pandemic is on the decline.
happy to say, that we are now four in our community. Bro. Alex, the latest arrival to Rumbek, has
settled down well at La Salle school, a full-time teacher, and taken up some responsibilities in the
community as well. his presence has added new dimension. we are filled with joy, to say that we
have regular Holy Mass on Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the community and on Sundays in the
school. On Trinity Sunday, the four Brothers renewed their vows in front of the students. It was a
joyful occasion for both the Brothers and the Students. For the first time the students were able to
witness the Brothers renewing their vows together as one community.
The school is going on as usual. The weather is somewhat warm, the dark clouds appear and then
disappear. We are praying for more rain.
Bro. Eustace
Hope Against All Odds
Dear Lasallians and Friends,
I am delighted to share with you my experiences in La Salle- Rumbek for the first time.
The world is facing the pandemic severely affecting the normality. We, as a school community has a less
effect of the pandemic. We are able to move forward with hope amidst all odds in academic plan and
It has been almost four months since I joined La Salle Brothers community – Rumbek. Four different
nationalities nesting together to carry out the Lasallian mission is admirable and remarkable. I see myself
associating with each member to maintain unity, celebrate Brotherhood in the community and vibrant
involvement in the mission. It looks challenging sometimes but not difficult.
The school is blessed with qualified quality teachers. Their involvement and dedication are praiseworthy.
They reside in the campus 24 X 7 which makes the functioning of the school smooth. I am humbled by their
talents and contribution towards the development of the school.
The campus is alive and active with the presence of our beloved students. I honestly admire their willingness
to learn. They exhibit their talents when the opportunities are created. They are keen on observing the classes
and express their hearts openly without hesitation. I believe that my time with them is a moment of grace and
learning. I would like to end here with our beloved Founder’s words to simplify the purpose of my presence
here. “To be entrusted with teaching of the young is a great gift and grace of God”. – St. John Baptist De
La Salle.
Brother Alex Soosai, FSC