Home Terre SainteCollège des Frères Jérusalem: The Pink Month
Collège des Frères Jérusalem: The Pink Month

Collège des Frères Jérusalem: The Pink Month

The Pink Month at Collège des Frères was celebrated in a truly special way, featuring three major activities.

First was the « Bring and Buy » event, where students brought food to sell at symbolic prices. This created a lively atmosphere, and both students and parents enjoyed trying the variety of dishes available.

The second activity was an informative lecture by Dr. Nfouze Maslamani, aimed at raising awareness about cancer. His insights were invaluable and sparked important conversations among attendees.

Lastly, a health check-up for women over 40 was conducted, focusing on breast cancer screenings. This initiative provided essential health services to the community.

Overall, the day was a resounding success, with excellent participation. A special thanks goes to Ms. Diala Katanasho for her hard work and coordination in making these activities happen.