Home Terre SainteMessage of Pope Francis to Bethlehem University community
Message of Pope Francis to Bethlehem University community

Message of Pope Francis to Bethlehem University community

To Brother Héctor Hernán Santos González, FSC

Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University

In this Advent period of joyful expectation for the coming of Christ our Saviour, I send heartfelt greetings of spiritual closeness to the staff and students of Bethlehem University.

As the entire Church prepares to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord which also marks the beginning of the Jubilee Year, I pray that these occasions, which signify new life, hope and reconciliation, will provide each of you with opportunities for spiritual renewal and a strengthening of perseverance in your vocation to be joyful disciples of Christ.

In a particular way, I wish to say to the young people at the University, always safeguard your precious gift of faith, not as something to be hidden but as a treasure to be shared with others. Although in your youth you may at times feel weak, confused or even disillusioned, entrust everything to Jesus in prayer, for he is the source of enduring hope. Moreover, the Lord is brimming with life and will help you make your youth worthwhile, so that “you will not deprive the world of the contribution that you alone can make, in all your uniqueness and originality” (Christus Vivit, 109).

At the same time, please never seek to “go it alone”, but seek to foster the bonds of academic and social friendship that are a precious legacy of your student years, for “whenever you are united, you have marvellous strength. Whenever you are enthused about life in common, you are capable of great sacrifices for others and for the community” (ibid., 110). Indeed, how much our human family needs examples of hope-filled solidarity in the current context of violence that affects so many of our brothers and sisters. I trust, then, that your enthusiastic witness to the perennial values of the Gospel will serve as an example to religious and political leaders of different beliefs and traditions. In this way, you will surely play your part in building a future of dialogue, mutual understanding, fraternal harmony and justice for all.

With these sentiments, entrusting the staff and students of Bethlehem University to the protection of Mary, Mother of the Church, I cordially invoke upon all of you an abundance of joy and peace in Jesus Christ the Incarnate Word.

Pope Francis

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 19 December 2024