Home DistrictVolunteering in the Fratelli Project, Lebanon
Volunteering in the Fratelli Project, Lebanon

Volunteering in the Fratelli Project, Lebanon

After a year of service, Sebastian’s experience with the Fratelli Project in Lebanon is coming to an end. Sebastian is a Mexican Lasallian volunteer who arrived in Lebanon in 2019 to be part of this socio-educational project for refugee children and youth of Syrian and Iraqi nationality. Here is how he describes his experience

« My name is Sebastian, I’m Mexican and a Lasallian. Using your time, energy and skills to stop seeing what hurts you and to make this world a better place is something I am passionate about and that driven me by. I came to Fratelli in Lebanon looking for answers and wanting to do something for others. Here I realized that the world needs to open its eyes and do something for all those people who were not as lucky as some of us are. I understood that humanity is one race that must walk together on this path that is called life. »